I can understand that there are other questions that arises in a man mind. Questions about the product or food you are using on regular basis.
And you may have heard the new about the man who had kidney failure, because of the excessive use of iced tea.
“Excess of everything is bad”.
Everyone of us is familiar with this quote and i agree with it. So, you would agree that drinking too much iced tea can be bad. But how, and when is the question that arises here. And what is the amount that one could drink of an iced tea.
So, let’s move on to some further investigation. To find out what amount of iced tea pitcher is best for you.
Case in New England Journal of Medicine
There was a case that was submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine. That case involved a man who went to the hospital and was in a pretty bad shape. And that man ended up with dialysis. The doctors couldn’t find out what is the main cause of kidney failure. But after some research on that man, they found out that, the kidney failure was due to the excessive use of iced tea.
So What is the Right Amount of Iced Tea?
The guy who was drinking about a gallon of iced tea per day. That was a huge amount to drink. But, the people who are living in southern United States, you know what i am talking about. So if you are drinking up a gallon of iced tea per day. The chances are, you are going to get kidney failure soon.
The excessive use of iced tea caused a kidney failure was a very unusual event. Doctors said that excessive use of tea could be an under-recognized factor in kidney disease. And they encouraged patients of Kidney problems to ask, what is their average consumption of tea regularly.
Why Would Tea Hurt Your Kidneys?
There are natural compounds in Black tea, compounds known as Oxalates. These compounds can be found in other foods too, such as rhubarb, spinach, chocolate, and bran cereals. They bind with calcium, and that reduces the amount of calcium in your body, which could be dangerous. So when the foods you are eating, are not giving your body calcium. It can cause an issue in your bones.
But if you think about the calcium/oxalate crystals accumulate in your kidneys, So, it can cause inflammation, kidney stones, and even kidney failure.
How much Oxalates can be or Must be Taken?
The average amount is that you should take 150 and 500 mg of oxalates per day. And if you are one of them who eat in vegetables, soy, whole grains and other legumes. You are on the top of the range!
The patient of the case we talked above. He was talking about 1500 mg of oxalates per day, just from his tea. This could be a lot for anyone’s kidney. And some people, they are more fast to create kidney stones.
In real, general population studies, they have found no relationship with the amount of oxalates in diet and the kidney failures.
Final Words
So, you have found that what cause the kidney problems. And what problems you can get by drinking the excessive amount of iced tea.