When making the iced tea, the first and the best option is that they should be made same as the hot tea. Hot water is first poured over the tea bags or the tea leaves and then you cool down the tea using ice. But when you cool down the tea, the ice melts in it and reduces the power of flavor. That’s the best and main use of iced tea pitcher because iced tea pitchers are designed to keep the ice away from the tea physically. The ice melts into the container in pitcher and does not change the flavor. The plastic section in an iced tea pitcher in the center of it can help you place the pitcher in the freezer and gets it iced over. You can fill those sections with ice and then easily pour the tea inside.
Many iced tea pitchers are designed for fresh tea leaves and with small filters which you can place on the top and can set it in the middle of the pitcher. Add the cold water over the filter and allow the tea leaves to mix into the cold water and still remain inside of the cylinder. So when choosing iced tea pitcher, set your preference it is what matters than the size of design.